Past Project
TPW Industries Co. Ltd Navanakhorn
Set up 4 Vertical Rotary injection molding machines producing Plastic Injected Encapsulated Voice
Coil and Machined
Buell Wet Suits and Surf – Santa Cruz California
Sourced supplier to make Wet Suits for USA OEM Brand. Insured Supplier met quality targets
and standards. Able to reduce
M&J Technologies - Rojona Thailand
– Set up Green Field Factory to produce Western Digital HDD PCBA with SATA to USB solution
on drive board and Top level External Hard Drive Retail Pack Outs.
Cam Advanced Technologies Co. SHD
Successfully Transferred Manufacturing of Solid Ink Printer Chassis and Pre-heat paper printer
from USA to Malaysia
Spectrian Power Amplifiers – Sunnyvale California based in ACT manufacturing Thailand
Sourced Supply Chain for Mechanical Commodities,, PCBA soldering to Aluminum
Peek Plastics Limited – Shenzhen China
– Developed processes to help Injection molding company reduce there scrap by a factor of 50%
Lear Automotive Corporation
Developed and localized components for seat suppliers to replace the suppliers from Brazil on
Ford Titanium program.